This class provides an overview of process safety engineering fundamentals for hydrocarbon processing facilities focusing on Upstream Oil and Gas. This course will go into details to some of the technical safety engineering basic calculations to estimate the consequences and how to mitigate them. Learning from historical incidents will also be covered. Methods and techniques for hazard identification and mitigation applicable to Oil and Gas industries will be discussed. An overview of Process Safety Management (PSM) will be described. This course will involve interactive exercises and quizzes to strengthen the key learning.
Introduction and overview
Proses Safety & Risk Assessment
Process Hazards Analysis (PHA)
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
Human Factors
Process Safety Management (PSM)
Key Concept & anatomy of an incident
Leakage & Dispersion of Hydrocarbon Releases
Designs to prevent or mitigate fires and explosions
Plant layout and equipment spacing
Corrosion and Material Selection